FatherSchools Photo Gallery
Our FatherSchools project starts on 25.01.2020. In advance we have already met with interested fathers and their children at a father-child breakfast. FatherSchools is a project of Women without Borders and is funded by the State Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs. We as Verein Migranten für Migranten e.V. are taking over the first FatherSchools trainings in Aschaffenburg, Germany. FatherSchools is a project for violence prevention, the fathers are strengthened in their educational skills.
from the left: Ugur Kuturman (Fatherschools Teacher), Can Deniz (Notetaker), Haluk Kaya (Fatherschools Teacher), Hamza Mohsen (Notetaker), Amir Hossein Dehghani (Fatherschools Teacher), Cigdem Deniz (Project Management)
Our father-child breakfast from November 16, 2019
From the 17th of January to the 19th of January 2020 we had our "Train the Teacher" workshop. In this workshop our experts were trained and sensitized for the FatherSchools project.
FatherSchools teachers and notetakers from Aschaffenburg and Erlenbach and specialists from Vienna.